Wednesday, September 20, 2006

DC - one

Ok – so yesterday I fly into DC for this “invitation only” summit for young professionals. I must say – very cool. Last night I got to meet and greet Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Orrin Hatch, Bill Frist and Trent Lott, just to name a few. It didn’t even dawn on me to get pictures until the end b/c it was such a great night. I did get a pic of Trent Lott toward the end, so at lest one pic is better than none. They encouraged all of us to get into some type of office and eventually look toward a bigger goal. And they were all willing to help. Very cool. It had to be one of the coolest nights I’ve had in a meet & greet in a long time. Also, I met 3 other people that I just clicked with right away. One is Robby, who is about 40 – a banker (VP) and mayor if his town in West TN, who happens to be married to a Ukrainian (so my Russian came into play), another was Anne (27), who is the PR director for a posh (very nice) resort in Florida (she helped run part of Jeb’s campaign when he first ran for gov), and Justin (30) who is an International Affairs Strategist for a Tampa firm – way cool people. We all hung out last night and got to know each other pretty well. Soooo fun. Anyway – today is all day of what last night was like…meet/greet, etc. So I must go – but I’ll try to remember to get more pics. ;)



lisa said...

Can I still wear my vans as a senator's wife? ;)

Kel said...

wow, a whole list of very dirty politicians! I'm impressed...It shouldn't be too hard for you to show them up :)