Tuesday, February 28, 2006

new #2


#2 - I just won a 4GB Ipob Nano. ;) Now we have 3. heh


lisa said...

You are very lucky, seeing you have won 2 out of 3 of those!

Ok, you can come home now :)

Anonymous said...

That's pretty sweet man. I want to get that shirt with the boogeyman thing on it. hehe

Johnny T said...

Further proof that this world is incredible unfair. The rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, those with nanos getting more nanos those without nanos left with only one pink mini. Woe is me, woe is my life without a nano

Kel said...

you're such a nerd ;)

All of you.

murph411 said...

Did you know this week is "Give your spare Nano to Murph" week?

f1rststory said...

heh heh

Royces In Africa said...

What and Ipob Nano anyway, that looks like a foreign lanuage to me. Hope you enjoy it.