Saturday, February 18, 2006

OK - It's Official

Our house building shall start very soon.

Here is an idea i have for ebay...

"I am officially declaring the opening of bids for room names in our new house. Construction shall start very soon and all those interested will be kept abrest of all developements. Now is your opportunity to submit your request for room names. Nothing explicit or deragatory please.

Bidding per room starts at $500. There will be a plaque with your name (if you win the bid) that wil be posted above the doorway indicating that you donated to the construction of the house. "

I wonder how many people would do this??? Thoughts...please...there are roughly 16 rooms.


lisa said...

16 rooms ?..... um,...that must be including closets and bathrooms.

John should put in a bid for the bathroom! oh, that's right he doesn't use bathrooms :)

Tonya said...

you definately need a murphy's lounge

f1rststory said...

yes, including bathroom and closets (even the kitchen...hehe) - murphy's lounge...has a nice ring to it...that could be the basement...i would even put a lava lamp and a Mr Beer down there...

Tonya said...

and would you hang some speedos on the wall? purple, of course

Kel said...

You know, most countries that can afford to hire third world laborers that could practically be considered slavery, have "Maid's quarters"...that should be your broom closet ;)

Johnny T said...

What about "Stomping Grounds" for the living room.

Steve said...

Sweet! Sorry I haven't been keeping up lately--little crazy here.

Wendy and I bid...not. But it's funny.

If no one else pays either, could you name the guest room the Texas Suite? I could send you an authentic Lone Star.

It's great that we already know how to find your house.

Steve said...

Murphy lounge is funny. Go Tonya!

You could name the yard the Kelly Green.

AmberShea said...

I call dibs on the Bonus Room, it can just be Amber's Room since i will be living there. lol ... the garage should be Tim's Toy Room. i am not very creative.... : (