Wednesday, November 08, 2006

post election day

well, yesterday was a bit fun. we all went to vote as a family and cast our ballots. Everyone except one that i voted for won, which is nice. All the main ones won. It was so funny, we kept getting phone calls up until about 7:30 last night telling us to go vote, blah blah blah, all from democrats. It was sooo funny. What a waste of phone calls. A- b/c I'm not a democrat & B- I had already voted. It got me to thinking of how simple minded they think their constituency is that they could persuade a voter within 30 minutes of the polls closing. i think that's why most people I know are not swayed by the democratic thinking. Most of us like to think for ourselves and generally thinking for ourselves equals being well informed, which equals already knowing who you're going to vote for and why. If someone hasn't made up their mind to vote within 30 minutes of the polls closing, then something is definitely wrong and they have not been using their brain. I mean, what else have they been doing for the past 6 or so months. c'mon, seriously....


Jen said...

We didn't vote along party lines, either. I agree, though, that most educated self-thinking voters already know who they are going to vote for long before voting time. But then again, Democrats aren't aiming for educated self-thinking voters, now are they?


(Hopefully that'll be the last political statement I make, I usually don't like making them)

Anonymous said...

wow.... tell us how you really feel ;)