Friday, November 17, 2006

no idea....

OK - I know today is "funny friday", but I had NO idea how popular the TREO destruction video would be. I have spent most of my time responding to emails, etc. about it and I've not had much time for anything else. So, I am taking this opportunity to announce the following:

I will make more videos like this!!!! ;)

If you are sick and tired of your cell phone, I want to hear about it! Email me and send me your phone. I will find creative ways to destroy your phone. I already have about 4 lined up. ;) Starting next week, this concept will become a weekly vidcast with website, etc. It is all registered and almost finished. I know those of you who read this will get a kick out of it and I want to feature you and interview you in the new upcoming videos. So, let me know your story.

OK - when the site is ready I'll let you know - until then, we both know your cell phone sucks. ;)


Jen said...

Ha! I have one I can send you. It's an old piece of crap and it would bring me more joy to see it blown up than sitting on my counter for another six months. :)

Anonymous said...

What about old mini vans? ;)

f1rststory said...

ok jen - i will take it...