Sunday, June 18, 2006

new look

ok - you may have noticed the little banner across the top of my blog...if not, look now. Sooner or later, we knew it would come to this. Ads on my blog - however, I have searched tirelessly (high and low) for only something good to put on here that I thought was actually worthwhile. I know almost all of you have an iPod (if not, get out from under that rock...hahahah) and this is the coolest thing you can get for yours to personalize it! Check them out...everyone needs one. hehehe ;)


Kel said...

i was kind of hoping I could have one of the freebies you keep winning.

f1rststory said...

well, kelly - tell ya what...i'll put you down to be next on the's that?

Kel said...

hmmm, it depends on how many people are ahead of me :)

Kel said...

OR, we could do an old fashioned swap. Photos of your kids and fam for an ipod!

Kel said...

HAHAHHAHAHa, that's funny.