Thursday, December 15, 2005

Discussion... (said with heavy french accent)

OK - Let's try something here...

I am going to list a topic and then everyone can put their 2 cents in (unless your name is 01cent, then you'll have to comment twice...hahah) .

What's the topic you ask? We'll get to that in a second. First let me explain why I am doing this. I have had a couple of requests to continue posting - the last one was a couple of days old. So I said, "OK, I'll post." The only problem is that I have nothing to say. So I'm beating my head against the wall - but the only thing I could think of was the pain it was causing - and I decided to have a topic of the day for the times when I cannot think of anything at all, but need to keep this thing going. Because I know you all really enjoy some of this... ;)

Feel free to comment your hearts out. Now for the topic -

Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery" ?


Anonymous said...

Well, Tim! As is widely known, psychics are an unusually ethical, and responsible group of people. That said, they are simply above taking advantage of their sixth sense.

Steve said...


You guys are posting fiends. I shoot for one a week.

Wendy said...

Maybe the psychic gets too tired to help themselves?

lisa said...

Steve...we're not going to school, working a full time job and have three kids! :) Hang in there bud!

Tonya said...

perhaps it's because they go to Vegas instead