Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2 things TX

New games to play with friends and family (pick one or combine them together)...

1 - End every statement you make with the word "fool".

2 - Begin every statement you make with the phrase "yo mamma".

Ummmm...and if you are playing either one of these games, it's best if everyone knows you're playing. For example, we were playing #1 today with Lisa's family and her mom came in and asked me a question and I responded "What did you need, fool?"

- Just remember, make sure everyone knows...saves a lot of explain time and needless beatings...



lisa said...

I have to admit I set him up on this one. ( I really didn't think he would have the guts to say fool to my mom). However, witnesses have reported he did say "fool" rather sheepishly.

Tonya said...

i guess it's a blessing that you have a cool MIL then

Tonya said...

how did Tuesday become TX? just curious...

f1rststory said...

It's the shortened std. abbreviation for Tuesday. C'mon, now...you knew that...

Tonya said...

seriously did not...i always shorten it to Tues. which isn't really very short at all