Sunday, May 28, 2006


OK - it looks like the pic with the camera is the most popular. Now I have one more to throw in...choose between these two. The one with the camera and the one with the shades. Which one?

Also, I'm going to take a break from bragging on myself - but that doesn't mean I won't link to someone who brags about me...hahahahaha

that's it.

PS - I can't believe Barry bonds passed the Babe's HR's. I wonder how many Ruth would have hit if he had some juice...???


Johnny T said...

That second picture is funny, nice use of jeep, stickers, and skateboard to paint a picture of your personality.

Oh, and isn't the Ruth record based on a whole different set of baseball standards, such as type of bat & ball, season length, number of games played in a season, and length of career. Ruth played the game when it was based on passion and sportsmanship. It wasn't enhanced by technology or science, it was pure athleticism - much more admirable

Kel said...

I'm with you on the Ruth thing. Pro sports are such a disappointment these days. Nothing like the good ole' days.

I still like the first pic.

f1rststory said...

omg! baberaham lincoln commented on my blog!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! :)