Wednesday, May 10, 2006

hell and pride

Before you read on...know these things.

Hell is real.
Pride is real.

In the past 24 hours I have experienced both. Really (no, not really).

1st. Hell. Last night I had the pleasure of attending a PTA meeting at our local school. Along with the meeting, there was a program given in which 4th and 5th graders played music and sang, etc. It would have been much more fun had one of our kids been in it, but they are not old enough yet. Anyway, sitting through that, not really having ties to anyone in the performance, it was - what I am sure to be - what Hell will be like. I even have pictures. All kidding aside, the kids really did do a good job. And they did a lot - I didn't realize kids had attention spans that long.

Anyway, if you notice in the pictures, I would like to know how a student gets picked to play the plastic tube.

2nd. Pride. This morning I was surprised with an award from our local chamber of commerce. They give this award out once a year and it is really an honor to receive it. It is the Community Leadership Association Distinguished Leadership Award. I just got it from our Metro area for this year. Pretty cool. Someone made the remark that I am going to need a cabinet to put these things in. And (my pride being up there) I agreed. Then someone said that I will need a new office for my head to fit in (which quickly brought me back down). hahahahah

Anyway, I hadn't posted in a few days so I thought I'd let you in one some things that have been happening around here (me). hahahahaha


lisa said...

I am sooooo proud of you!

Kel said...

Hahahahaha, I'm sooooo glad I homeschool! LOL!

That's cool about the award. I swear, you win more things than anyone I know. How in the world do you manage that?

Sweet Beth said...

so does that mean you are taking us all out for a celebration dinner? arn't awards given just so you can celebrate.

Johnny T said...


hey i've thought of two ideas since i last talked to you that could vastly improve your life.

1. video yourself doind an ollie and then play back slowmo for luke. it'll help him visualize the movement
2. take advantage of the wasted space in your new house by building a secret door bookcase-like a speakeasy. not only is it practical it's sneaky

lisa said...

Beth, we do owe you one, a dinner that is.

J.T, how about some ideas to vastly improve my life?