Sunday, January 01, 2006


whatever...i hate titles. Anyway, for a 2005 wrapup, see Lisa's blog. And now for something completely different.

Last week, with Lisa's family, one of her sister's (I promised Leslie I wouldn't mention her name...sorry) used the bathroom. Nothing odd about that. Then she asked for a plunger, maybe a little odd you say, but the funny thing was that everyone she asked replied with the question "What do you need it for?" This I found utterly amusing, almost on the hilarious side of life. Keep in mind that no one ever told her where it was really, but they just wondered why she needed it. I asked myself and Lisa's sister, "What do they think people normally do with plungers?" There wasn't much help. I don't think anyone really knew where it was except for her mom, which made it funnier. She was the only one that could help, but everyone was asking her why.

Anyhoo, we got "approval" from our neighbors today to build in the subdivision we want to build in. There was a big "Community Meeting" and I attended and informe them of my master plan. They were cool with it. So, I guess we may start building soon. Although, I'm still not 100% I want to do it here, but I can always sell it if things don't work out. I would love to tell you about the cast of characters that were there. Maybe I'll write a short story about it and let you all read about it. Very funny/intense/interesting.

OK - I guess I've made up for not blogging a bit with this post. Christmas was good as was New Year's - now we're back home - I have tomorrow off, I think I'm going MXing. ;)



Steve said...

Not to be a downer, but I wonder if they all knew you were the guy with the dirtbike that keeps blazing down the street ;-)

f1rststory said...

HAHAHA - yeah - my neighbor asked me if he could come ride it sometime. I said sure, if you like it go get one and we'll go riding...heheh

Anonymous said...

Tim's alway been good at making friends :).... such a nice boy!