Sunday, June 24, 2007

facebook gifts

so, i'm thinking about facebook gifts. you pay $1 to send a gift to someone (i think some may be free) of a picture that is displayed on your home page to let other people know you're thinking of them or whatever. And, it's only $1. Sure you can spare a buck. There are lots of icons that can be gifts, but I went looking to see how many have "sold out". And when they are sold out, it is usually after they hit a million gifts sent. so far, facebook has 31 "sold out" gifts. So if my math and reasoning are right (which they're probably not, but it's interesting nonetheless...) facebook has acquired approximately $31M through this "gift" thing. Ok so let's just take out some for credit card processing fees, etc. and say they've acquired $30M. For nothing. Just something i've been thinking about. that's all. that's a lot of money. $1ea. for nothing. hmmmm....interesting.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

facebook is seriously raking in the cash when you think of it like that. personally i don't think i will ever give a "gift" on there. it doesn't make much sense to pay for a picture on someone's wall to let them know you are thinking about them when a comment does the same thing! i wonder if anyone else realizes how much facebook is making off this genius idea!