Yes. I've had this theory for sometime now and have today decided to post it up on my blog for some of you to read. First, let me say that I love all people, regardless of color, race, religion etc. I am not picking just to be picking. In fact I have friends who are from China. So, with all that PC crap out of the way, I will indulge.
Not to even bother talking about the Crusades, etc. (which will never be over either), I want to pick up with the cold war. The Cold War is not over. It never will be. How Socialism and Communism are encroaching on our everyday life in the Sates, has been an interesting process to watch. I am in the process of putting all of this together in a book for you to enjoy...but until it is ready, I will take a break and talk about the secret Communist invasion that will develop through China. Or, our trading with China I should say. More specifically, Chinese food. Yes, Chinese food. I want to make a statement here and let you discuss, leave comments, etc.
1. The Communists and Socialists (like the militant Muslims are/will do) slip into the US, low-key, under radar and wait. For Years. The socialists and communists are just now becoming more wielding in power through the media, politics and other avenues. Even in business (yes I'm referring to that damned IKEA store -see previous post about ikea).
2. They remain unassuming, even apologetic for things. After several years of plotting and indoctrinating (even unassuming people who do not know better) they come out, slowly, with sugar coated plans (and food) and even those unassuming people (who would otherwise be against communism and socialism) are on the bandwagon.
3. People think nothing of conducting business with these people, the communists and socialists. Heck, some people will even work for them not knowing any better because they seem like such nice people. It doesn't just include buying goods, but also foods. People begin to frequent the restaurants that are run by communists and socialists.
4. In the stores, goods (which are normally crap - IKEA for example)are bought with lots of money by honest Americans and it is wasted due to the extremely high markups on foreign goods. Or should dare I say, goes to help fund communist and socialist agends without the honest Americans knowledge.
5. But, in the restaurants, yes, the restaurants, is where the greatest dilemma lies. Let's say a certain communist country provides all kinds of food to certain eating establishments in the US. And the food that is sent to these establishments is laced with something bad. Whatever you can think of. And that food is then prepared and served to millions of unassuming Americans over a given week. Then that country decides to pick up arms and invade (during that sick week of course). What would happen then? Would it be too late? Would we be able to recover as a nation? Hmmmm?
So all this came about because I once joked about ow China would take over the US through Chinese restaurants making everyone sick, then just walking around taking everything over. Just a little humor for you.
Or is it?,2933,292470,00.html
I think...that you have entirely too much free time on your hands.
and IKEA is Swedish, not Chinese.
Well if they don't do it in foods, they'll kill us in gasoline usage, creating carbon footprints that heat up the earth so much the ice in alaska melts that it runs down through canada and then floods america. Frozen tsunami.
The issue I have with the food in this country is that it is so refined that there is very little good left in it by the time it makes it to our shelfs. This IS making America sick, no other country in the world has diabetic problem like we do and its because of all the sugar (a.k.a corn syrup, refined white flour, or commonly masked as 'enriched' bleached whole wheat') we consume or the cokes we suck down. Mexican Pepsi cola has at the least real cane sugar in it, we pay more for a pepsi here and it has cheaper product corn syrup.
my rant.
hahahaha - ok
1 - i know ikea is swedish, but they are socialists - the socialists i referred to...chinese are communists...
2 - on the food thing - i agree. i only use sugar cane sugar in my coffee and am really starting to go organic - have been for a while...
You may have something there about the food...If you read the ingredients on the label of foods you buy, everything has SOY in it one way or another. I know this because I am allergic to soy and have to be careful. Cattle, chickens, pigs are feed soy feed. I can't avoid all soy foods so i live with the digestive upsets soy gives me not to mention the extra estrogen hormones I don't need at this state of my life. So slowly we are being poisoned to death. MAYBE
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