Saturday, September 09, 2006

UPS still sucks

ok - so my stuff comes in today at 4p - just in time for the big part of the show at 5. I go get it, get back and set everything up in time and make it look really nice. When people come back in they are amazed (we seriously got commented on the new look at least 50 times) - some of them think we changed our booth around just for the dinner thing. It was kind of funny - but worked out really well. Not quite a day late and a dollar short...just a day late. Come to find out UPS doesn't even guarantee their overnight to be overnight. I'm still not going to pay for the shipping, nor am I ever going to use UPS again. From now on it's either FedEx or DHL. I suggest you do the same. And yes, it's 1am here and I am posting - ridiculous - I fell asleep at 10ish here and just woke up...I guess I'll get used to the time change as soon as I get home...figures.


Anonymous said...

Tim,glad things finally worked out and went well. Had good time with Lisa & kids last night.
Love, Mom

Kel said...

Fed-Ex is the best, use Fed-Ex. DHL accepts arms and legs as payment.

lisa said...

Looking forward to tomorrow's sonnet. :)