Thursday, July 06, 2006

the helpless southpaw

yes, i am referring to myself. The past couple of days and at least the next week I am having to do everything left handed. Everything. At first I thought it could be fun but it is really pretty tough. Especially driving the Jeep...hahaha i can;t even shift w/my right hand - i reach over and change the gears. i am supposed to go get my bandages off today - i'll probably do that later this afternoon. I went and got a new driver's license yesterday with the new address and had to fill out the papework and sign my name - boy that was fun. i just stood there when she said sign and looked at the device and she said, are you going to sign? I replied, give me a second, I'm having to think it through - i'm right handed and need to do it left handed b/c i can;t use my right hand. She just looked at me - and i returned the look. Then I signed it - looks good enough. Went to get a haircut and was a mirror for my right hand and i had to reach across with me left to hold it to make sure they did a good job. i'm still typing this with my left hand. Have to eat left handed, etc. I'm not whining - so don;t take it that way - i just never realized how much i take my right hand for granted. i didn;t do much else yesterday - i was going to start on a new book I bought (Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy - 1895) but holding it open and reading it was too tough so i think I'll wait and start it when I'm off to Boston next week. Oh yeah...showering with one hand and it's your weak hand....tough, especially when you can;t get your right hand wet. yesterday it took me about 45 mins to get ready to go to the DL place. Today for work it only took about 40 - the bulk of it was buttoning up my shirt hahahaha. And Lisa helped me put the jeep top on. Oh well, enough of my pity least my stitches will be out for the would be really hard to surf & skim with them in. ;) Although i just thought about skimming...not sure i'll be able to throw the of now my thumb and ring finger/pinky can;t touch...hopefully it'll work out.

~southpaw mcGraw


Johnny T said...

Is that why you replied with only 1 letter answers on the IM, and wasn't it just the other day we were talking about be ambidextrous (pretty sure that's spelled wrong).

lisa said...

ewwh...that's a hard lesson ;)

Tonya said...

This is what I thought was funny (taken from your blog 2 days prior)

If the bear attacks:
Continue to act aggressively. Yell, make loud noises and wave your arms (offer your left hand first if you’re right handed...hahaha)

Can't say you didn't know better- you always put out the bad hand first!

Kel said...

Well, I'll bet Lisa would love to help you get dressed....can't promise it'd cut down on time though ;)
I think the people at the DL place are always SOOO rude. What's up with that? They must have a no smiling rule...driving is SERIOUS.

Kel said...

p.s. I love Thomas Hardy, enjoy the book, I haven't read that one yet! A little bit of info for all you people who like completely useless information: The Church of St. Thomas Beckett (went there) in Bath, England was named after a character in one of Thomas Hardy's books.