Tuesday, May 02, 2006


A - I know you know I'm white.
B - That has nothing to do with what I'm about to type.

Yesterday was the big immigrant walkout day. The illegals and their supporters were to show us 'en masse that they controlled so much of our economy, etc. Funny, but I didn't notice any great catastrophe of monetary proportions that brought this country to its knees. That makes me wonder... What did the immigrants prove by protesting and walking out, other than by showing that they really aren't neccessary to the national economy? At least on a grand scale like they thought. I don't understand. I went and ate Mexican food for lunch yesterday (which was at a place ran by Mexicans) simply because they didn't walk out and close.

Another thing that I find odd is the "New Black Panther" Group that is in NC supporting the woman who accused the Duke LaCrosse players of rape. I watched their spoksman on Hannity & Colmes try to speak as to why they are there and supporting her and wanting the kids to be guilty, etc. I know they are supporting her because she is black. Fine. What I don't understand is that the spoksman for the group had nothing to say but rant on about who shot MLK, Jr. etc. And he talks about how the crime happened (before there's even been a trial). If groups like theirs are really trying to bring about justice and grow their cause, one would think that they would at least try to get the brighest of the bunch to be the "face" of the group so they didn't look so ignorant on TV. Even Alan Colmes, who I usually disagree with, was putting them in their place by trying to ask a simple question and never getting an answer. I don't understand why these people agree to be on TV with "Pro's" unless they can really handle it.

OK - time to step off my soapbox and go get some lunch.

Oh one last thing - Johnny T, MXing last night was fun...I still can't believe you opened it up on the big jump...hope you're not too sore this morning. heheh


Tonya said...

i don't know if you guys get the same news we do cause we're local, but aparantly nobody asked the new black panthers to be involved at all, and the girl supposedly refused their offer of help. we think this will all go away pretty quickly cause that county had elections yesterday, and it was staying a big story so that the politicians could use it as a platform...we'll see

Johnny T said...

The mxing was awesome, and I'm not really sore at all. I learned how to fall early on, and it still comes in handy. Say how's the hind end today? Did you have to use a donut cushion?

lisa said...

HAHAHA! I wish I had both of you guys on video!

Steve said...

You definately want the "BRIGHEST of the bunch!" ;-)

Kel said...

Maybe that was the brightest of the bunch...ever think of that? Hahaha! I have little tolleration for "activist" groups who do nothing but foament and preach hate. Let it go already, stop being angry that your great, great, great, grandfathers were slaves and move on. It's a great piece of history to never forget, but it's just that, history.
Speaking of panthers, anyone see the new Pink Panther? Great movie. I love Steve Martin!

AmberShea said...

i get back wednesday afternoon why?