OK - Let's try something here...
I am going to list a topic and then everyone can put their 2 cents in (unless your name is 01cent, then you'll have to comment twice...hahah) .
What's the topic you ask? We'll get to that in a second. First let me explain why I am doing this. I have had a couple of requests to continue posting - the last one was a couple of days old. So I said, "OK, I'll post." The only problem is that I have nothing to say. So I'm beating my head against the wall - but the only thing I could think of was the pain it was causing - and I decided to have a topic of the day for the times when I cannot think of anything at all, but need to keep this thing going. Because I know you all really enjoy some of this... ;)
Feel free to comment your hearts out. Now for the topic -
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery" ?
Well, Tim! As is widely known, psychics are an unusually ethical, and responsible group of people. That said, they are simply above taking advantage of their sixth sense.
You guys are posting fiends. I shoot for one a week.
Maybe the psychic gets too tired to help themselves?
Steve...we're not going to school, working a full time job and have three kids! :) Hang in there bud!
perhaps it's because they go to Vegas instead
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